Educational Technology

Social Robot Designs as a Response to Community Issues

Self-Organised Learning Environments for Young Refugees and Asylum Seekers

Traveling Arts x HCI Sketchbook

Discover the Treasures of Lit & Phil

Tabletop role-playing for inclusive design: Imagining sustainable futures for ‘older adults’

Digital Approaches for Gathering Student Opinions in School


Doodle Away: An Autoethnographic Exploration of Doodling

Feel the Gap: Bridging the Gap between Inclusive Theatre and Technology


ENACT: Learn Language Through Culture

Co-Teaching as a Form of Co-Design for Educational Technology


Findings from a Longitudinal Situated Display Deployment

Training and Embedding Cybersecurity Guardians in Older Communities


Phone Grown: developing family-focused domestic ambient displays at home

PIP Kit: Using lifelogging to support disability benefit claimants

Configuring a framework for Project-Based Mobile Learning

Un-authorised View: Leveraging volunteer expertise in heritage

Utilizing participant voice in volunteer training

Unplatformed Design: Appropriating social media for coordinated participation


The complex dynamics of diverse practises at Maker Faire

HOPE for computing education: Supporting university-school partnerships

Gig Academy: Developing 21st century skills through event-based learning

Micro:bit proxy lamps: using a lighting rig in the classroom


ThinkActive: keeping children fit using low-cost technology in a fun and engaging way


Cross-cultural learning across India and the UK


OurPlace: an app for learning about people and places